Tuesday, November 14, 2023

B2 conversation (14.11.23)

Today our focus was on retirement - its positive as well as negative sides. HW: complete the language structure task Sport (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (14.11.23).pdf) and think about the topic Stay-at-Home Mothers and/or Fathers.

C1 conversation (14.11.23)

Today we talked about wakefulness, being awake and aware. HW: complete the language structure task How Technology is Helping People to Talk (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (14.11.23).pdf) and think about the topic Speed.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

B2 conversation (9.11.23)

Today we started by talking about the documentary series we loved to watch and proceeded with looking at different aspects of inspiration. HW: complete the language structure tasks 7 and 8 (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (9.11.23).pdf) and think about the topic Retirement.

C1 conversation (9.11.23)

Today we talked about our own archaeological finds and tresures we have found as well as the roads less travelled which we have taken in our lives. HW: complete the language structure task Two Sleeps per Night (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (9.11.23).pdf) and think about the topic Wakefulness.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

B2 conversation (7.11.23)

Today we talked about school athletes and the effect of their sport commitment on the academic achievements, as well as different aspect of private tuition. HW: complete the reading task Reviews of TV Science Documentary Series (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (7.11.23).pdf) and think about the topic Inspiration.

C1 conversation (7.11.23)

Today we had a presentation about Erasmus+ mobility programme and then talked about freelancing and digital nomads. HW: complete the reading task Careers in Archaeology (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (7.11.23).pdf) and think about the topic The Road Less Travelled.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

B2 conversation (2.11.23)

Today we concentrated on the things we were afraid of and various aspects of fear that affected our lives. HW: complete the listening task A Student Athlete (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (2.11.23).pdf)(audio file sent on your email) and think about the topic Private Tuition.

C1 conversation (2.11.23)

Today we talked about proportions - from the perspectives of finance, healthy diet, time, work and life, body image etc. HW: complete the listening task Photographer and Cameraman (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (2.11.23).pdf)(audio file sent on your emails) and think about the topic Working Freelance.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

B2 conversation (31.10.23)

Today we discussed the often complicated relationships between siblings and different aspects of forgiveness in different types of relationships. HW: complete the language structure task I Don't Believe in Ghosts (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (31.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic Being Afraid.

C1 conversation (31.10.23)

Today we talked about left-handed and right-handed people, about left and right in directions as well as politics, and taking sides in general. HW: complete the language structure task Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (31.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic Proportion.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

B2 conversation (26.10.23)

Today we talked about promises - what promises people gave and how easy/difficult it was to keep our promises. HW: complete the language structure task Brothers and Sisters (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (26.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic Forgiveness.

C1 conversation (26.10.23)

Today we talked about nostalgia - what kind of a feeling it was and what we were usually nostalgica about. HW: complete the task On the Other Hand? (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (26.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic Left or Right / Left or Right.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

B2 conversation (19.10.23) NB! NO CLASS ON 24.10!!!

Today our focus was on habits that people have, why habits form and what habits we would like to have. HW: complete the language structure tasks Task 1 and Task 2 (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (19.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic Promises.

C1 conversation (19.10.23) - NB! NO CLASS ON 24.10!!!

Our discussion today was about different ways of attracting attention. HW:complete the language structure task Community Centre Summer Events (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (19.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic Nostalgia.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

B2 conversation (17.10.23)

Today we talked about entertainment - what form of entertainment we enjoyed the most and whether everything had become entertainment these days. HW: complete the language structure task Food Habits (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (17.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic Habits.

C1 conversation (17.10.23)

Today we talked about some things being no laughing matters, e.g. some sensitive topics or traumatic experience from the past, and other things really being a laughing matter, e.g. soem aspects of politics or situational comedy. HW: complete the language structure task Smart Dog! (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (17.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic Attracting Attention.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

B2 conversation (12.10.23)

Today we talked about the words we use, from dialectal and stylistic point of view, but also what we leave unsaid. HW: complete the reading task A Career in Video Game Industry (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (12.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic Entertainment (Industry).

C1 conversation (12.10.23)

Today we talked about different aspects of fake - in beauty industry, social media, documentaries etc. HW: complete the reading task A Career in Comedy? (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (12.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic It's No Laughing Matter / It's a Laughing Matter.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

B2 conversation (10.10.23)

Today our attention was on oppositions: whether oppositions attracted each other, if opposition was needed in life and politics, was it possible to overcome opposition etc. HW: complete the language structure task Say One Thing,... (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (10.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic The Words We Use.

C1 conversation (10.10.23)

Today we talked about being cautious and eliminating as much risk as possible, but also about instances when risk-taking was justified. HW: complete the language structure task Born Liars? (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (10.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic Fake.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

B2 conversation (05.10.23)

Today we talked about uniqueness, both the uniqueness of individuals as well as things and cultural phenomena. HW: complete language structure Task 10 and 11 (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (05.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic Opposition.

C1 conversation (05.10.23)

Today we talked about world-wide phenomena like football, Gen Z, ageing population, cell phones. HW: complete the language structure task (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (05.10.23).pdf) and think about the topic Caution.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

B2 conversation (03.10.23)

Today we talked about the unexpected - how prepared we are for the unexpected, if we at all can be prepared and how do we act in unexpected situations. HW: complete the listening task Successful Business (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (03.10.23).pdf) (audio sent on your email) and think about the topic Uniqueness.

C1 conversation (03.10.23)

Today our focus was on control - self-control, but also control we have over the opther people, e.g. controlling parents. HW: complete the listening tasl Board Game Enthusiasts (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (03.10.23).pdf) (audio sent on your email) + think about the topic World-Wide Phenomena.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

B2 conversation (28.09.23)

Today we talked about the art of agreeing and disagreeing. HW: complete the task A Holiday in Scotland (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (28.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic The Unexpected.

C1 conversation (28.09.23)

Today we talked abour rebirth after being involved in serious accidents as well as the possibility of reforming hardcore criminals. HW: complete the vocabulary task (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (28.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic Control.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

B2 conversation (26.09.23)

Today our main topic to discuss was putting one's heart and sould into something and we also pointed out the potential dangers in doing so. HW: complete the language structure task Television (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (26.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic Agreeing and Disagreeing.

C1 conversation (26.09.23)

Today we talked about business in general as well as the possibility of doing business in the field of the Humanties. HW: complete the language structure task Burglars Beware! (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (26.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic Rebirth.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

B2 conversation (21.09.23)

Today we talked about people from the past - both our own past as well as more generally from the public past. HW: complete the reading task Grand Prix Driver (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (21.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic Putting Your Heart and Soul into Something.

C1 conversation (21.09.23)

Today we talked about abilities, inabilities and disabilities. HW: complete the reading text Baby Talk (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (21.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic Business.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

B2 conversation (19.09.23)

Today we talked about various aspects of human memory (as a tribute to Endel Tulving). HW: complete Task 5 and 6 (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (19.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic People from the Past.

C1 conversation (19.09.23)

Today we talked about interpersonal skills and how to develop them. HW: complete the open cloze task Too Late to Learn? (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (19.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic Abilities and Disabilities.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

B2 conversation (14.09.23)

Today we talked about clubs in our lives and the importance of like-minded people gathering together for various purposes. HW: complete the language structure task Keeping a Diary (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (14.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic Human Memory.

C1 conversation (14.09.23)

Today we talked about Professionals in the contemporary (AI) world. HW: complete the language structure task Bilingual Graduates Required for Sunworld Travel (http//www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (14.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic Interpersonal Skills.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

B2 conversation (12.09.23)

Today we talked about the importance of volunteer work, our experience in volunteering and the ambitions in professional as well as personal life. HW: complete the Listening task (Badminton Club, audio sent on your emails) (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (12.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic Clubs.

C1 conversation (12.09.23)

Today we talked about the New Generation, concentrating mostly on daily aspects as well as the effect of social media. HW: complete the Listening task (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (12.09.23).pdf) (audio file sent on your emails) and think about the topic Professionals.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

B2 conversation (7.09.23)

Today we talked about our experience of working for the university and how it differed from working in private sector. We also pointed out a few aspects of necessary improvements to the work environment at the university. HW: complete the reading task Volunteers (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 conversation (7.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic Ambition.

C1 conversation (7.09.23)

Today we talked about our experience in writing Letters of Application as well as Letters of Motivation and then concentrated on stories how university helped us to create our professional and private lives. Moreover, we touched upon what we (as professionals) contributed to the university. HW: completet the reading task The Brain Gain (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (7.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic The New Generation.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

B2 conversation (5.09.23)

Today we had our first class of the course. We talked about the course requirements: the need to participate in the contact classes, do the home tasks and make a 7 minute presentation on the topic that interests you. We also got to know the course mates and their job positions at university. HW: complete the task Grammar 1 Past Time (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/B2 convresation (5.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic Working at/for the University.

C1 conversation (5.09.23)

Today we had an introductory class in which we concentrated on the course requirements (participation in contact classes, home assignments, 7 minute presentation on a topic of your own liking) and getting to know the fellow participants. HW: complete the multiple choice task Letter of Application (http://www.tlu.ee/~kivihall/C1 conversation (5.09.23).pdf) and think about the topic University - the Story of Creation?